Free training on cold chain compliance

Cold Chain Compliance: a practical webinar for logistics professionals

Join our free online training on Thursday, June 6th (13:00 – 14:00). The webinar will be hosted via Microsoft Teams.

Are you in logistics as 4PL/3PL service provider, involved in logistics within healthcare or working as a quality responsible? Well, then this free webinar will give you great insights on compliance requirements with a focus on thermal specifications and Good Distributions Practices (GDP).



How can you ensure quality and make sure your warehouse, coolers and cooled transportation fully comply and meet the expectations of your end client.


Agidens will clarify some essentials during this short webinar.


  • The importance of mapping & thermal validation
  • Guidelines
  • Practical approach
    • HVAC qualification
    • Warehouse/Coolers mappings
    • Qualifying your coldchain
  • What after the initial qualification?
  • Q&A


Magali Polfliet has over 10 years of experience in thermal validation within the pharmaceutical industry, with a strong emphasis on quality, compliance and regulations. Her deep expertise is extremely useful to logistics companies seeking to navigate complex compliance landscapes.

Magali is eager to share her knowledge and insights during this webinar, aiming to enhance industry practices and standards.


UPS Roermond
Life Sciences

Thermal mapping & qualification of HVAC systems in warehouse at 3PL provider

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